John 2

John 2: A Journey from Water to Wine and the Cleansing of the Temple

Today, we’re diving into the powerful events of John Chapter 2. From Jesus' first miracle at a wedding in Cana to the dramatic cleansing of the temple, this chapter is packed with profound insights. Let’s break it down:

The Miracle at the Wedding

John 2 begins with a memorable scene: Jesus performs His first sign at a wedding in Cana. This event isn’t just a fascinating story; it marks the beginning of Jesus' public ministry and carries significant meaning:

  • Cultural Context of Wine: Back in Jesus' time, wine was more than a social beverage—it was a staple of daily life. Often diluted for consumption, it was a key part of health and cleanliness in an era without modern sanitation. In the Bible, wine frequently appears in social and ceremonial contexts.

  • Jesus’ Miracle: At the wedding, when the hosts run out of wine, Jesus transforms water into high-quality wine. This seemingly modest act is rich in symbolism. The six stone jars used for ceremonial washing, each holding 20-30 gallons, are filled with water and turned into wine. This transformation not only saves the hosts from embarrassment but also symbolizes the fulfillment of Old Testament law and a preview of the new covenant Jesus is about to establish.

  • Symbolism of the Wedding: The wedding is more than a backdrop; it symbolizes the ultimate union between God and His people, a theme that resonates throughout the Bible that began in Genesis 1-2 and reaches its climax in Revelation.

  • Participation and Obedience: The miracle showcases the importance of following Jesus' instructions. The servants who obeyed Jesus turned ordinary actions into extraordinary results. This teaches us to trust God with the mundane aspects of our lives, knowing His touch can transform them into something beautiful.

  • Significance of the “1st sign”: John describes this event as the "first of the signs" revealing Jesus' glory. This miracle points beyond itself to the deeper reality of Jesus’ divine nature and His transformative power in our lives. We would rarely see anyone stopping to admire a sign. The reason why is the sign is pointing to a greater reality! Why look at the sign that says “Huntington Beach” when we can look at the waves, pier and surfers ourselves!

Cleansing of the Temple

After the wedding, the narrative shifts to a more intense moment: Jesus clears the temple courts and here’s what we uncover:

  • Temple Defilement: Jesus finds the temple—meant to be a sacred place of worship—turned into a bustling marketplace. Money changers and animal sellers were exploiting the holy space for profit, corrupting the essence of sacred practices. Unfortunately there are still some people today who seek inappropriate profit off of other’s spiritual journeys.

  • Jesus’ Zeal: Filled with righteous anger, Jesus drives out the merchants and overturns their tables. This act of cleansing isn’t just about physical disruption but a call to purify worship practices and focus on genuine devotion.

  • Passover Connection: The timing of this event, around the Passover festival, is significant. Passover commemorates Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, and Jesus' actions highlight His role as the true Passover Lamb, coming to purify and redeem.

  • Jesus’ Authority: The religious leaders question Jesus’ authority, and He responds with a cryptic statement about destroying the temple and raising it in three days. He’s referring to His body, foreshadowing His death and resurrection and signaling a shift from physical to spiritual temple worship.

  • Signs and Belief: Despite witnessing signs and miracles, many fail to grasp Jesus’ true mission. His signs, including the miracle at Cana, are meant to reveal deeper truths about His identity and purpose. Remember, signs point to a greater reality and in this case it is Jesus!


John 2 offers rich lessons about Jesus' mission and the nature of His kingdom. From the wedding miracle to the temple cleansing, we see Jesus' commitment to transforming and purifying both the physical and spiritual realms. For us, it’s a call to delve deeper into the meanings behind Jesus' actions and to align our worship and lives with His will.

Reflect on how Jesus' transformative power can impact your daily life. Thanks for joining us on the Wake Before the Day podcast. Remember to read, pray, and share!


John 3


John 1