Meet Klarc & BobbieJean


Klarc and Bobbie celebrate God's love, knowing that He loved us first. From that place of receiving His love, they joyfully return it to Him and share it with the world. Together with their six kids, they’re driven by a passion to make Jesus known across the globe. With this mission in their hearts, their lives are nothing short of an adventure, with excitement around every corner. Here’s a glimpse into their family’s call to ministry and the values they live by:

The Korvers are dedicated to living fully for the Lord, surrendering their lives as apprentices to Jesus. They embrace a rhythm of life that integrates their faith into every moment, practicing the disciplines, traditions, and celebrations outlined in God’s word.

Their bustling household, which includes six children, chickens, a dog, and a hamster, reflects their commitment to ministry and shared learning. Whether it’s renovating old RVs, growing their own food, prioritizing relationships, or managing their time, they follow Jesus wherever He leads, accepting the risks and seeming foolishness that may come with it.

Walking in truth and repentance before the Lord is central to their family life. They recognize that they are all under God’s authority, a truth they strive to remember and discuss daily.

The Korvers are passionate about sharing the precious name of Jesus, reaching out within their family, church community, and beyond. They navigate a bilingual world of English and Spanish speakers, committing to continual learning in both languages to communicate the gospel effectively.

Believing that everything on Earth belongs to the Lord and that He generously provides all things in Christ, the Korvers understand that believers are blessed to be a blessing. They view time, energy, and resources as tools to honor God and uplift those around them.



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