Matthew 7

Living Out Matthew 7: Judging, Praying, and Following the Narrow Way

In Matthew 7, Jesus offers teachings that challenge us to reflect on our actions and perspectives. From how we judge others to how we approach God in prayer, these verses invite us to live with humility, discernment, and a clear understanding of God’s goodness. Here, we will explore some of the key lessons from this chapter, particularly focusing on judgment, prayer, and following the narrow path.

Do Not Judge—Examine Yourself First

Jesus starts Matthew 7 with a powerful reminder: "Do not judge." This verse speaks directly to how we often treat others, pointing out their flaws or shortcomings. The Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' time believed they could attain righteousness by criticizing others. Yet, Jesus flips this idea on its head by urging us to first address the "plank" in our own eye before noticing the "speck" in someone else’s.

Reflecting on our own experiences, we often find that the things we judge in others are, in fact, things we dislike about ourselves. Whether it's how others dress, spend their time, or even how many vacations they take, these judgments might reveal insecurities or struggles we haven’t dealt with in our own hearts. It’s a powerful reminder to pause and ask ourselves why something bothers us so much. Before pointing fingers, we need to check our own motives and reflections.

Lastly, it’s important to state that God is condemning hypocritical judgment here not other forms of judgment and discernment. We’re called to first examine ourselves before pointing out the wrong in others. We’re also called to discern and judge right from wrong (John 7:24).

Persistence in Prayer: Knock and It Will Be Opened

Matthew 7 also teaches us about the power and importance of prayer. Jesus encourages us to ask, seek, and knock, with the assurance that God will respond. But there’s something significant about the act of knocking—it implies resistance or obstacles. Sometimes, the answers we seek from God require persistence, showing our dependence on Him.

When we face obstacles in our prayers, it’s a reminder that we may need to press deeper, not just in the asking, but in seeking to understand what’s blocking our progress. Persisting in prayer demonstrates our trust in God’s goodness and His willingness to give us good gifts, as He is a good Father. When we keep asking, we’re acknowledging that we believe in His ability to respond, even when we don’t yet see the answer.

Within the context of this passage, Jesus seems to be speaking to those who long to be part of His kingdom. The entire Sermon on the Mount is describing what His kingdom is like and what one needs to do to enter in. The passage transitions to this in v13-23, “Entering the Kingdom”.

The Golden Rule and the Narrow Gate

As we move through Matthew 7, Jesus presents us with the Golden Rule: "Do to others what you would have them do to you." This simple yet profound teaching turns a common cultural norm on its head. Rather than simply avoiding harm or wronging others, Jesus calls us to actively do good—treating others with the same kindness, respect, and care we desire for ourselves.

In the same breath, Jesus reminds us of the narrow gate, where He is the only way to life. While the world offers a wide road that leads to destruction, the path of following Christ is narrow and requires intentionality. It’s not just about following popular opinion or trends; it’s about committing to the truth of Jesus' teachings. This calls for discernment as we make choices in our lives, constantly evaluating whether our actions align with God's will as found in the Bible. The chapter concludes calling for reflection, are we building our lives and beliefs on what is found in God’s word or in other things? (v24-29)

Conclusion: A Call to Discern and Depend on God

Matthew 7 challenges us to live in a way that reflects humility, persistence in prayer, and a commitment to following Jesus on the narrow path. In judgment, we are reminded to look inward first and deal with our own issues. In prayer, we are encouraged to be persistent, knowing that God, our good Father, will answer. And as we navigate life, we are called to follow the narrow way, recognizing that true life is found only in Jesus.

As we reflect on these teachings, let us examine ourselves and our actions, constantly striving to grow in our relationship with God and others. Let us be persistent in prayer, trusting that God will open doors for us, and let us follow the narrow path that leads to true fulfillment in Him.


Matthew 8


Matthew 6