Exodus 35-40

Journeying with God: Reflections on Exodus 35-40

As we dive into the final chapters of Exodus, we find ourselves immersed in profound lessons about God’s presence, our roles as His people, and the beautiful design of worship. In these passages, God reminds us of the importance of rest, willingness, and the sacredness of the spaces we create for Him.

A Sabbath Reminder: Trusting God's Control

Exodus 35 begins with a call to observe the Sabbath, a vital reminder of our covenant with God. It’s a declaration that He is in control, and we are not. Just as God rested after creation, we are invited to pause and worship. This act of resting is more than a break; it’s a sacred rhythm that aligns us with His purpose. By taking time to stop and reflect, we acknowledge that we cannot earn our worth through our efforts. Instead, we find our identity in Him.

Willing Hearts and Skilled Hands

In the next verses, we encounter a beautiful invitation: “Everyone who is willing” is called to contribute to the building of the tabernacle. This isn’t just about giving; it’s about engaging our hearts and skills for a higher purpose. We see Bezalel and Oholiab, gifted artisans, sharing their knowledge and training others. This spirit of collaboration reminds us that our unique talents are meant to be used for God’s glory, and that when we come together, we can create something extraordinary.

Building the Tabernacle: Coming as We Are

As the construction of the tabernacle unfolds, we are reminded of the wash basin’s significance. This basin, placed near the altar, symbolizes the purity required for worship. Interestingly, those who came to the altar didn’t have to clean themselves up first; they approached with their sins. This reflects a core Gospel truth: we don’t have to wait until we feel “ready” to engage with God or our community. We can come as we are, bringing our brokenness, and trust that God will heal and cleanse us.

Growing Closer to God: The Paradox of Holiness

As we approach the tabernacle, we notice a pattern: the closer we draw to God, the more aware we become of our need for holiness. This can feel paradoxical; as we grow in Christ, we often recognize more deeply our shortcomings. James 4:8 calls us to come near to God, urging us to purify our hearts. This ongoing journey of sanctification reminds us that transformation is a process. We are called to accountability and integrity in our walk with God, continually leaning on His grace.

The Glory of God: A New Creation Unveiled

In the concluding verses, we see the culmination of God’s presence in the tabernacle as His glory fills it. No sooner had Moses finished than the cloud covered the tent of meeting. God longs to dwell among us! This moment is a glimpse of the new creation—where heaven and earth unite. It reminds us that everything we experience is a gift from God, being redeemed for His purposes.

The ark represents God’s reign, the table signifies fellowship with Him, and the lampstand illuminates our path in His light. The law reorders our lives, and the priesthood allows all believers to enter God’s presence. Each element of the tabernacle points to the ultimate hope we have in Christ, who bridges the gap between us and God.

A Journey of Mission

As we reflect on Exodus 35-40, we are reminded that we are on a journey with God. He invites us to participate in His mission, marked by repentance, forgiveness, and obedience. The journey isn’t always easy, but it is filled with purpose. We are called to move forward, together, seeking His presence and sharing His love with the world.

In these final chapters of Exodus, we are left with an invitation: to trust in God’s sovereignty, to use our gifts eagerly, to come as we are, and to embrace the transformative journey He sets before us. Let us step forward with willing hearts, ready to engage in the sacred work of building His kingdom on earth.


1 Corinthians 2


Exodus 30