Exodus 18

Celebrating God’s Deliverance: Lessons from Exodus 18

As we dive into Exodus 18, we find ourselves in a moment of reunion—Moses and Jethro are together once again, back at the very place where Moses first encountered God. This meeting feels like a beautiful fulfillment of God’s promise from Exodus 3:12, reminding us of the significance of divine appointments in our lives.

In verses 3 and 4, we learn that Moses has welcomed his second son into the world. This personal milestone adds depth to his reunion with Jethro. As they catch up, Moses recounts all that the Lord has done to rescue Israel from the clutches of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He shares the trials they faced and the miraculous ways God saved them. Jethro, upon hearing these stories, is delighted. He praises the Lord for His incredible acts of deliverance, acknowledging that the God of Israel is greater than all other gods.

This exchange highlights a beautiful truth: the Gospel is being proclaimed! In verses 8-12, we see how Jethro's heart is moved by the retelling of God’s mighty deeds. We might wonder if this is Jethro’s moment of conversion, or if he was already a believer. Regardless, this encounter emphasizes the importance of sharing our testimonies. Just as Jethro rejoiced, we too should delight in recounting what God has done in our lives. Our stories can serve as powerful reminders of God’s faithfulness and encourage others to seek Him.

We reflect on how this moment echoes God’s heart for the nations. In 1 Peter 2:9, we are reminded that we are a chosen people called to declare the praises of the One who brought us out of darkness. Jethro’s joy at hearing God’s works mirrors the joy we experience when we share and celebrate God’s faithfulness together—especially as we gather around meals in His presence, inviting all to partake in the story of His salvation.

As the chapter unfolds, we see Moses receiving wise counsel from Jethro regarding leadership. In verses 21-27, Jethro advises Moses to appoint capable men who fear God and are trustworthy. This selection process underscores the importance of character and integrity in leadership. We recognize that it’s not just about being skilled but also about having a heart aligned with God’s values.

Exodus 18 serves as a hinge in the narrative—looking back at the story of salvation and preparing us for the forthcoming covenantal response to God’s Law. This reinforces the truth that before we receive the Law, we must first understand God’s saving grace. The first 17 chapters of Exodus focus heavily on this theme of deliverance, reminding us that our obedience flows from a place of gratitude for what God has already done.

As we conclude our reflection on this chapter, we are called to remember and retell the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. Just like the psalmist in Psalm 78:1-4, we must commit to sharing the stories of God’s power and wonders with future generations. We are tasked with not only receiving God’s Word but also passing it down, ensuring that His faithfulness is celebrated and remembered.

Together, let us take to heart the lessons from Exodus 18. May we share our stories of God’s deliverance, celebrate His goodness, and lead with integrity as we navigate our own journeys of faith. Through our lives and testimonies, may we invite others to know and worship the one true God.


Exodus 19


Exodus 17